Obduction reviews
Obduction reviews


The other kind of "puzzles" that will stump you are much simpler and usually involve overlooking a seemingly insignificant switch or button on a device that you'll need to operate to progress.


Solutions can be very cryptic such as a diagram on one side of the map that you have to somehow know to remember and realise you have to input into a machine on the other side of the map or two letters on a licence plate that you have to figure out correspond to two numbers on an old-style telephone dial that you'll have to put before the other numbers on the plate to form a key code for a door. Sadly, that's pretty much all you do here. Instead, it's up to you to figure everything out which is fine if it can be logically deciphered without loads of aimless wandering around and banging your head against the wall. As mentioned before, Obduction (like Myst) isn't the sort of game that holds your hand.


You can "run" but you don't go very fast and you repeatedly have to cover the same ground over and over again in order to find your way back somewhere or merely uncover something that will give you a clue as to how to progress. In fact, getting around Obduction's world is slow in general. You have to use these seeds throughout the campaign as well so it becomes a significant issue. Doing so results in a lengthy loading screen in which the frame rate again falls into single figures. Throughout Obduction, you'll have to operate "seed" devices that transport you to a new area. Time for another protracted 2 fps loading screen yay! It gets particularly problematic when there's more stuff onscreen as the frame rate can go down to single digits or just lock up entirely for a few seconds at a time. It's so bad that it continually freezes momentarily as you move around which is both annoying and takes away from the immersion of some of the prettier areas you'll discover. As soon as you start playing, you'll notice Obduction has a terrible frame rate. The first thing to discuss is the technical problems. It can be refreshing for a game to not hold your hand and allow you to use your intuition but in Obduction's case, it doesn't really work out for the better for a number of reasons. Instead, you're left to explore your environs and try to figure out this bizarre land's mechanics on your own. Unlike most puzzle games, Obduction gives you very little instruction as to what to do. You're somehow transported to a strange new world in which isolated parts of Earth have been preserved and relocated among alien surroundings, necessitating you solve a bunch of puzzles in order to get home. is back with a spiritual successor but does Obduction live up to expectations? Some of the environs are pretty but you'll be backtracking so much that you'll soon be sick of them


Reviewed by Stephen Palmer playing a PS4 with PSVR on October 3, 2017ġ993's Myst was a hugely successful adventure puzzler that helped redefine the genre.

Obduction reviews